Notes for: Zolita Sue SVERDLOVE
Notes for: Zolita Sue SVERDLOVE
#31 Zolita Sverdlove Rapp
BIRTH: 1936; Zolita Sverdlove, NYC Records X2456 - Bronx, NY 21 Feb 1936.
NAME: Zolita was named for her grandmothers Zlate and Sonya.
RESIDENCE: First lived with parents and mother's sister & brother Helen & Harry ROTHMAN in Washington Heights, Bronx 167th Street. This was after her mother's mother Zlota died and the father was probably off on a drinking binge. The home broke up. When Lita was born she was named for maternal grandmother, Zlote. (English pronounciation Zl-ah-ta) Her crib as the bottom drawer of a dresser.
After Lee & Harry attended the lecture by Dr. (Murray?) Port on The Rhythm
Method for Birth Control, Lee got pregnant with Andrew! (Me!) During 1939 they found a house being build in Mount Vernon while Harry was doing electrical work in Pelham and Mt. Vernon for the firm he started with Carl G. Johnson. C.G. Electric. Later C.G. Johnson Electric, finally Johnson Electrical Corporation.
RESIDENCE: Post Card; 1958; ; ; ;
NOTE: Lita wrote "Dear Folks. Andy is leaving tomorrow, June 25th, He will be in New York July 1st. He is going by Greyhound to Yellowstone...flying from Salt Lake City to CHicago, takes a tour in Chicago, then comes to New York City, He borrowed $90 from me and owes me about $35 for the trip and his stay here".
After Lita married, they moved to Princeton. Then Los Angeles.
Don continued his PhD. in U Cal Berkley. They lived at 675 Upland Road, Redwood city. They moved east to Pine Brook Blvd., New Rochelle, while Don was a professor at Brooklyn Polytechnic. Melissa was born while they lived there. Then they moved to Dallas, Texas.
ADDR:1445 Indiana Ave., So. Pasadena, CA 91030 TEL:213-257-7217 or 254-3389
OCCU: Lita is an artist. She paints under her maiden name Zolita Sverdlove and her exhibitions include County of Los Angeles, CENTURY GALLERY, Officiated by the L.A. Mission College at 13000 Sayre Street, Sylmar, CA. She was part of a 5 person exhibition April 17 to May 3, 1994. Her painting of a bridge was in the newspaper artical about that exhibit. If you're in the Los Angeles area , call her to get on her mailing list. Her web site is
BIO: Who's Who American Women 1989-1990 16th Edition.
SVERDLOVE, ZOLITA, artist, printmaker; b. N.Y.C. Feb. 21, 1936; d. Harry and Leah (Rothman) S.; m. Donald Rapp, May 30, 1956; children: Melissa Rapp, Erica Rapp. Cert. Cooper Union Coll., N.Y.C., 1956, BFA, 1977. Chmn. fine arts com. U.Tex.,Dallas, 1972-73, exhibits dir., 1973-74; free-lance artist. Prints reproduced in Mondus Artium, 1976; exhibited in group shows: U. Texas, 1973-74, Dallas Fine Arts (first prize), 1975, Purdue U. (first prize), 1970, Marymount Coll. (hon.mention), 1969. Nat. Endowment Arts grantee, 1973-74. Mem. Los Angeles Printmaking Soc. (bd. dirs. 1981-83, chmn. new mems., 1983), Graphic Arts Council Los Angeles County Mus., Women's Caucus for Arts, Phila. Print Club. Home and Office: 1445 Indiana Ave South Pasadena CA 91030.